Tales Of The Cocktail Resources
Hey mate! Thanks for tuning in to our Tales of the Cocktail Roundtable – A New Operational Paradigm: Building a Personnel-Focused Future.
Many know, WHAT we were talking about
Most know, WHY we are bringing this up
But few know, HOW to proceed with this
To support the one’s who feel like the seminar was right up their alley, I have gathered some additional resources for you to get familiar with the Teal paradigm mentioned in the discussion.
Down below you can also find a resource list of books, podcasts and Instagram profiles to follow to support your journey. Have fun!

If you really feel like digging in to this subject, you can read the more comprehensive blog posts found on this site. Brew a nice pot of tea and start from the introduction and work your way from there. The posts are 5-7min reads so it’s convenient to go through them while commuting to work or even to your mates place.
You can always reach out to me via Instagram DM or emailing mate.hospitality@gmail.com.
Cheers mates!
– Mika Ammunét / Founder of Mate Hospitality
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